Remedies for improving male potency

Taking these medications is not always had effect, and not much rush to talk to a doctor. At the same time, the weakness of the erection causes not only infertility but also the impotence in the future. How to avoid impact and increase the power of the methods, we will tell about in the article.

The causes of impotence problems


Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that is characterized by a reduction in the levels of testosterone in the blood, which decreases men's power. The symptoms may occur before or during the sexual act, which has an impact on the psyche. After a bad experience of man cannot avoid sex, be irritated and tearing the colre on the spouse. However, according to statistics, more than 95% of the cases, it can cure if timely consult a doctor.

The problem of alcoholism is more often in men, stepped 40 years. This is due to changes in the body. The illness is temporary or chronic, however, and in the other case, it must be treated.

The reasons for the low potency may be psychological or physiological. The first type includes:

  • a strong fatigue, stress;
  • the fear of the future;
  • a bad sexual experience;
  • burnout is;
  • a prolonged period of abstinence from sex;
  • frequent quarrels with the partner;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • the depression and the weakness of mental disorders.

From time to time, the problem of low power are facing, even the young people. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, consumption of fast-food and other, lead to a decrease of male libido and, as a consequence, a bad power. If such problems are systematic, there is an urgent need to see a doctor, because this may be the sign of a dangerous disease — the diabetes or the cancer.

Physiological reasons, possible impotence problems:

  • the system cardio-vascular dystonia;
  • the increase or decrease of the HELL;
  • disorders the background hormonal;
  • the diseases of the prostate and other

Low power can be a side effect of taking steroids, and sedation.

If you are having problems with the power, the first thing to do is to consult a urologist. In the clinic will be required for the investigation and will exclude/ confirm the presence of a dangerous disease, as well as designate a full treatment.

In addition to the therapy, it is advisable for men to rethink your lifestyle and eating habits. The cessation of smoking and alcohol speeds up the healing process. The practice of sports, in turn, will greatly enhance the level of testosterone in the blood.

Methods to increase the power

According to clinical studies, the peak of sexual activity in men account for more than 35 years of age. At this time, the blood contains the maximum of testosterone level of 5.76 up to 30,43 nmol/l. each year, this rate fell by more than 15%. In most cases, healthy man does not feel the recession, and impotence problems, are only beginning to 45 — 60 years.

A special role in the development of the pathology is played by diseases of the cardio-vascular system. The case may be, in the pelvic organs happens less blood and the genital organs does not harden and increase in size. These men have a weak erection, most often insufficient to switch from one sexual intercourse. Therefore, the first thing you need to do — heal the heart disease.

The health of the heart — the guarantee of long lasting erections in men.

A moderate physical activity, such as running, swimming, yoga, are able to increase the level of male hormones in the blood. At the same time, the excessive dependence of the sport (bodybuilding) put additional pressure on the heart and the power decreases.

Increase the power can be medicines or folk remedies. Particular attention should be given to a healthy lifestyle:

  • stop smoking and consuming alcohol;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • to exclude fat, salty foods and fast food;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits.

The drugs are named by the men on the survey results.

The preparations have a short duration of action, and with time, the body produces a resistance, thus treating the power you need, in an integrated manner.

Remedies more effective in the reduction of the power, so that, in addition to the influence on the organs, they also increase the immunity and fight against the root causes of the disease: hypertension, hypotension, vegetative-vascular, etc, However, treatment should only after consultation with the doctor.

Herbal remedies to increase male potency

the plants of the power

Herbal medicine is one of the fundamental guidelines of traditional medicine. With the help of infusions, herbal teas and tea, you can cure many diseases, including erectile dysfunction. If the problem is caused by psychological factors (stress, sleep), herbs to remove tension, increase immunity, and ensure that the tone of the blood vessels. In the case where the weakness of the power is the result of other more serious diseases, the application of herbal medicine may be only in the whole of the base (drug) treatment.

The most useful herbal for improving the power are the following:

  • nettle stimulates the function of the genito-urinary tract and helps to strengthen the erection;
  • thyme — eliminates the prostatitis, impotence and adenoma;
  • the seeds of hemp — tones the walls of blood vessels;
  • st. john's wort — improves blood circulation;
  • parsnips — increases testosterone;
  • mugler — strengthens the immune system, relieves.

These and other herbs are sold in any drugstore and are available to all. For more effect components, you can mix, stir and drink all the days of 2 cups per day.

Recipes for improving male potency:

  • Dissolve 100 g of nettle, pour 300 ml of boiling water and infuse for an hour. Then add the honey and the 20 ml red wine. Take tincture before meals 3 times per day;
  • Dry inflorescences of fresh thyme (100 g) pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave to infuse for about 30 minutes. Drink 2 rv in the day;
  • Fry the seeds of hemp, take 1 tablespoon per day, before meals. It is an excellent tool to enhance potency in men, the effect of which one can observe a few days;
  • The decoction of st. john's wort: 2 of the item l. herbs, pour 100 ml of boiling water and drain. Drink three times per day for 1 month;
  • The decoction of parsnips: 4. c. l. roots, then chop and mix with 6. c. l. sugar. The resulting mixture is poured boiling water and insist for 15 minutes, Drink 3 times a day 1 tablespoon;
  • The tea of hops also helps to increase the power. For cooking 1 tablespoon of crushed fruits poured a glass of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 5 minutes and Drink the tea 3 times a day for 1 month.

Tincture of ginseng root

Ginseng is a medicinal plant which is a panacea for all diseases. This plant has a calming effect, treats chronic fatigue and is a natural aphrodisiac, which is particularly effective in the reduction of male potency.

Tincture of ginseng root is sold in any drugstore, or you can prepare it yourself: grind crackers and root (20 g) and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist in a dark place for three weeks. To increase power it is necessary to drink 20 drops 3 times per day before meals. The course of treatment of 2 months.

The tea of root of aira

The root of aira by an ordinary contains camphor, ascorbic acid, and gum. These substances have a tonic effect on the reproductive function of men. Medicinal of the plant increases the secretion of the sex glands, stimulating the production of ejaculate. During daily use of the consumption, the activation of the sexual power, increase the duration and durability of the erection.

To prepare the tea, you must cut them in small pieces root of calamus (100 g) and pour 1 cup of boiling water. The product is brewed for 12 hours, after you add the honey. Drink tea 3 times per day for 1.5 months.

The treatment with the aid of power products

A good diet is not only the state of health, lengthens life, but also strengthens the power. Thus, the normal sexual activity in the diet of the men must be products rich in vitamins and minerals.

Contribute to the increase of the power of the following foods:

  • quail eggs;
  • sour-milk products;
  • olive oil and black cumin oil;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • the of and nuts;
  • the chili pepper;
  • the spinach and the celery;
  • peaches, apricots, and raisins;
  • the seafood (mussels, oysters);
  • honey;
  • the dry fruits.

Of the daily diet, you must exclude the products that do not bring benefits to the body, and replace them with herbs, fresh meat, fish, cereals, legumes and nuts. The kitchen is recommended to steam cook or bake, reduce the consumption of salt, smoked, spices, animal fats, and passage (sausages). The basis of the diet should constitute fresh fruits and vegetables.

Very tasty and at the same time is an effective folk remedy, with a reduction of the power – a mixture of walnuts, cream and honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and are updated after the meal a tablespoon 2 times a day.

Tea and coffee is increase the power, especially if these drinks add a little cloves, ginger and saffron.

Tincture of propolis and honey

the liqueur of honey

During daily use of the consumption of propolis is able not only to normalize the power, but also strengthen the immunity.

To prepare a tincture at home, it is necessary to grind the propolis (100 g), add the honey (3 tablespoons), pour the vodka in a ratio of 1 to 2, and allow to stand for 2 weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking. Ready to the infusion and take it up to 4 times per day, adding to the hot milk.

From press cake, which remains after the dyeing, it is possible to manufacture the spark plugs, the regular use of which will become a good prevention of prostatitis.

Raisins, prunes and figs

Raisins, figs and prunes are able to increase male potency in a few days. For the preparation of medicines will need:

  • 200 gr of raisins;
  • 100 gr of prunes;
  • 50 g dried figs;
  • 20 g of the walnuts.

Wipe the fruit dry on a small grater, add the crushed nuts and pour boiling water over them. The mixture cool and store in the refrigerator. Consumed jointly with milk fat or cottage cheese, 1-2 p day. For the greatest effect, you must add the honey.


The sport is particularly useful for men. The lungs physical such as running, cycling, squatting with a barbell, the bench press and other exercises of the hip muscles have a positive effect on the power.

In the course of the exercise increases the blood circulation in the reproductive system, to activate the metabolism in the body. Furthermore, weight training stimulates the secretion of testosterone. The physical exercises that you can perform at home, such as morning exercises or in the gym.

Exercise 1. Lying on the belly, bend the knees, and then surround the ankle hands. During inhalation, to draw the feet on the above, delay of a few seconds and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times. As the addiction gradually increase up to 12 times.

Exercise 2. Lying on stomach, lift your torso and place your palms on the floor. Tilt the head back, draw the shoulders up. Hold this position for 7 — 10 seconds. Perform should be 2 approach 4-5 times.

Exercise 3. Become directly, bend the knees. On the place to commit a running motion, keeping the socks on the ground for 1 to 2 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 5 minutes for the Number of repetitions — 2-3 times per day.


Erectile dysfunction, sooner or later, may exceed any man. To avoid problems private, you must comply with the following tips:

  • limit the consumption of fatty foods, salty and very poor quality of the food. Replace harmful products, fish, cooked meat, fruits and vegetables, nuts, milk;
  • do sports (jogging, yoga, cardio);
  • stop smoking, drinking;
  • follow a excess weight;
  • regular intercourse (2 — 3 times per week);
  • every year, consult a doctor.

Men have to revise their usual way of life, the more often to rest, avoid stress, to standardize the diet and stop bad habits. In most cases, after the execution of these tips power will increase naturally.